Wirral Driveways & Flagging provide the very best quality driveways that comply with all the very latest building and drainage regulations, which will ensure you will be enjoying the perfect driveway for decades to come.
The most important factors when building a quality driveway is preparation and foundation. Wirral Driveways use the best quality aggregates and equipment to ensure we produce the very best results.

Choosing a Blacktop Paving Contractor – Wirral Driveways
When it comes to your driveway, blacktop or asphalt paving is the more preferred choice. Many people choose concrete as well, but that is for very specific circumstances. A blacktop also looks more beautiful and smoother and adds to your home’s elegance. Finding a blacktop paving service shouldn’t be a very difficult job. However, it helps to know a few things about the process, so you can make good decisions.
Asphalt is the material used for blacktop. It is a combination of stone, sand and liquid asphalt cement. Before it is applied to your driveway, it is mixed evenly and heated well, so that the texture is right. Many paving contractors will heat the mixture off site and bring it to the construction place. If that is the case, you want to ensure that the asphalt is brought in when it has been freshly mixed and is hot.
Choosing a Blacktop Paving Contractor – Wirral Driveways
When it comes to your driveway, blacktop or asphalt paving is the more preferred choice. Many people choose concrete as well, but that is for very specific circumstances. A blacktop also looks more beautiful and smoother and adds to your home’s elegance. Finding a blacktop paving service shouldn’t be a very difficult job. However, it helps to know a few things about the process, so you can make good decisions.
Asphalt is the material used for blacktop. It is a combination of stone, sand and liquid asphalt cement. Before it is applied to your driveway, it is mixed evenly and heated well, so that the texture is right. Many paving contractors will heat the mixture off site and bring it to the construction place. If that is the case, you want to ensure that the asphalt is brought in when it has been freshly mixed and is hot.
Type of vehicle
When you decide on the asphalt paving, also consider what kind of vehicles you use. For regular cars, sedans and even slightly larger vehicles a typical two layer hot mix does the job perfect. If it is done the right way and maintained well, it can last for more than 3 decades. If on the other hand, you use heavy vehicles and they constantly go through the driveway, a full depth application would do a better job because it can handle the added weight.
No matter which part of the country you are in, see to it that you are insured against bad workmanship. For instance, if your vehicle is damaged somehow as a result of a week blacktop paving job, you don’t want to bear the cost because it is not your fault. Contractors are usually insured and you are protected from liability, but it doesn’t hurt to check the paperwork anyways.
Completion time
A typical asphalt paving job can take weeks to complete. Some contractors may offer to do it for you within a week or fewer days. However, they may not always do the best job of it. You need time for the asphalt to settle and the layers to be integrated, so that it remains strong. You don’t want your driveway disintegrating within a few years and adding to your costs.
When building the driveway, there are some important considerations to be made such as your drainage. During heavy rain, you don’t want the water to stay on the drive way or enter your home or garage. Discuss and come to a figure for the slope and direction, so that water flows into the drainage and doesn’t flood your property.
Local Contractor
Look at multiple paving contractor quotes before you zero in on a particular service. Discuss with them the entire project and get an estimate from them. It usually costs you a few bucks or nothing at all. Talking with multiple contractors will help you learn more about the various aspects of blacktop paving and choose the right vendor. If you would like an idea of cost please try our free, online cost calculator.
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#Wirral Driveways